Questions & Answers

At the moment I’m mainly practicing Jivamukti Yoga and since I just can teach what I practice, most of the classes I teach are Jivamukti classes or influenced by that method. But since Jivamukti classes are a Vinyasa based practice, I sometimes also teach formats like “Dynamic Flow” or “Vinyasa Flow”. What most of my classes have in common (except basic classes): They contain a dynamic Vinyasa flow (Asana) paired with music, chanting, meditation and some Yoga philosophy.

The Jivamukti Method, founded by Sharon Gannon and David Life, defines it self as “A path to enlightenment through compassion with all beings” – what ever enlightenment for you means is in this case up to you. To reach this state the Jivamukti Method gives 5 pillars ,which can be integrated in the daily life and which you also will always find in some way in a Jivamukti class: Ahimsa (non-harming others), Bhakti (Devotion), Dhyana (Meditation), Nada (Sound), Shastra (Yogic Scripture Studies). Do find out more about the method check the Jivamukti website or just come to a class.

Vinyasa Krama comes from the Sanskrit root “Vi” which means order,  “nyasa” which can be translated as conscious placement and “Krama” meaning sequence: A sequence which has a particular order and contains conscious placement. If you read “Vinyasa” somewhere in a class description, it usually means that you’re aiming to align your breath with your movements during the class and the teacher will probably count your breathing to help you to do so.

It’s easier if you already know some Yoga terms and maybe are a bit familiar with the Sun Salutations, but it’s definitely not a must. In general I ask before class if someone has never done Asana practice before, so I can give more detailed instructions. If I forget, don’t be shy and tell me before class, that it is your first time joining a Yoga class. 

Yes I give hands-on-assists. That means, that I will touch you during class to help you to deepen the Asana. Does that mean, that you can’t join, if you don’t wanna be touched? No. I usually ask in the beginning of a class, if someone doesn’t want to be touched. Also you’re always free to tell me during class, that you changed your mind and you don’t wanna receive any hands-on-assists anymore and I won’t touch you. It’s totally fine to do so and you can join each class without receiving any physical assist from me.

This is depending pretty much on the studio. You can check out the studio websites to know more about the pricing and if they offer any Studio memberships, Class-Pass or Urban Sports. 

Most of the classes yes. Check out the studio websites before. 

Yes, if you want to practice withe me in an one-one setting we can do that. You can reach out to me via email ( or Instagram @juliaxyoga. One-One-Sessions are the perfect setting to go deeper into specific Asanas, or you wanna develop a self practice and don’t know where to start or if you’re in the beginning of your Yoga journey and first wanna build up some basics, before joining a group class. Reach out to me if you have questions about how, where and prices. 

That’s cool! I’m happy to hear your idea. Just write me an email ( or contact me via Instagram @juliaxyoga.

You find it on my website. Also you can follow me on Instagram, if you wanna get updates about additional classes. If you aren’t on Instagram or doing a social media break, you can also join my Telegram Channel to get those updates. 

That’s sweet. I’m happy that you like my classes and I can support your Yoga practice. Easiest way to support me is to show up regularly, tell others about my classes, bring friends with you or share your experiences on Instagram and tag me.  <3 

Sorry, that you couldn’t find what you were looking for. You can always reach out to me via email ( or Instagram @juliaxyoga. I’m sure we can figure out the answer to your question. 

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